Saturday, November 7, 2009

Sex, Drugs, and Rock

Driving That Train:

The area that is now known as Turkey played a major role in the mystery religions. The use of drugs to create "religious" experiences was developed to a fine art by various occult fraternal mystery religion groups in the Turkey area. The Assassins from where we use the word hashish controlled parts of Turkey and Lebanon in the Middle Ages. They used drugs to win the loyalty of their recruits. Some of the most powerful figures for the Illuminati areTurks. The Grand Orient has had some powerful figures in Turkey. For example, at the Masonic Congress of all the Grand Orients' (that is, the European Freemasonry, though, several American presidents) Grand Lodges, Bou Achmed the members of European Freemasonry came from Turkey. The Grand Lodge of Asia was represented by Sebeyck Kadir from Asia . Bou Achmed took a big role in the decisions of the Great Orient.

Incidentally, let me explain one example of the power of the Grand Orient inAmerica. The Grand Orient was originally strong in Louisiana but spread itself in many other states. Locations. Managed Garfield, a very strong man in the Grand Orient, to U.S.. President, because the political process has blocked in the convention and the Masons suggested him as a compromise candidate. Although Garfield was an extremely powerful Mason, was perhaps the youngest general in the U.S.. Army during the Civil War, the Illuminati ordered him shot after he had served on aYear term as president. Garfield was reported by an eyewitness, that satanic rituals done in the cannibalistic rites of Satanism to the spiritual power of the people who participated win eaten. The Grand Orient Freemasonry has other orders of Freemasonry, also connected as the Rosicrucians. Pope John XXIII joined a group, the Rosicrucians had links to European Freemasonry when he was in Turkey.

While the secret of Freemasonry Grand Orient was very strong in TurkeyDespite its small numbers, the regular American Freemasonry granted a dispensation for a Masonic Lodge in Smyrna, Turkey withdrew in May 1863, but the documents were on 27 To run August 1880th However, it is interesting that of all the Turkish cities, Smyrna was definitely the best place for Freemasonry to gain recruits. Men like Achmed Pasha and many other Pasha family are pioneers in Freemasonry and the Illuminati. Achmed Pasha was a Satanist and had a large harem.Mehmet Talaat Pasha (1872-1921) was a Freemason and part of the Turkish revolution of 1908. He was the leader of the Young Turks, which was a joint project of the Sufis and the Frankist Satanists. Led (The type of Satanism by the Frank family had connections to Turkey for hundreds of years.) Mehmet Talaat Pasha was the grandmaster of the Grand Orient of Turkey. He found the political situation in Turkey, Grand Vizier of Turkey (1917-18). Another Turkish Pasha was part ofthe Turkish royalty running Egypt when Egypt was part of the Ottoman Empire. His name was viceroy Ismail Pasha, and he was Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Egypt. It was this Turk, Viceroy, Ismail Pasha, who gave the famous Obelisk to the United States. This Obelisk was called Cleopatra's Needle and originally in the City of the Sun, Heliopolis, about 1500 BC The obelisk erected a representation of a human penis, because SO worship, worship of regeneration (sex) andWorship of the sun god Satan were all connected. Masons helped with the movement of the obelisk and its commitment when it arrived in New York City. Large obelisks have been erected by masons in New York, Washington DC, Paris, the Vatican, and London. (If my memory serves me correct Berlin received a given time.) "(1)

Note the importance of Smyrna as a source of Freemasonry here. This is where the Onassis family has operated potion-pushing or loss of consciousness drugFor thousands of years.

Sometimes, when my little head with disinfotainment spiders and other artifacts of the media sphere, I try to what archaeologists and historians of social thought in 2000 from now might make of our particular little time. As such they would analyze the word "drug"?

Is a "drug dealer" means a pharmacist or a petty criminal? When we talk about "cheap drugs for seniors," we speak, or marijuana, or Levitra Lipitor ()? What would they with the factthat the last four American authorities have "declared war on drugs" while money from pharmaceutical companies?

Why is it bad when residents of Colombia build mansions, the profits from the sale of drugs, but it is good to do the residents of Newport, Rhode Iceland, the same? If a person can not live without "lifesaving drugs," we express great sympathy, unless that person is a "drug addicts", in this case, we can even be thrown into prison. When a mood-drug is sold in pill formstores are known as an antidepressant and hailed as a medical breakthrough. When a mood-drug on the street is sold, called the crime of drug trafficking and are subject to stiff criminal prosecution.

Because we are native speakers Americanadianese, we wend our way through the contradictions. We know that the bad drugs those that cause euphoria and impair verdict, unless the drug alcohol, but that is not always a drug, so there is no confusion. We know that theGood drugs are the ones who cure disease or relieve symptoms, except sometimes the good are ineffective or even counter medications in achieving these goals.

Street dealers do not finance experimental trials on the efficacy of the drugs they sell. Pharmaceutical companies, but they falsify the results. Street dealers have a small feedback loop because customers can determine very quickly whether they are loaded or not. Pharmaceutical companies have a long feedback loop, because people do notimmediately say whether to reduce their cholesterol or blood, or diluted it stimulates their insulin production. A drug with a long feedback loop is much more profitable than one with a short feedback loop because the dealer is an ineffective drug on the shelves a lot longer.

It is interesting that the people who sell ineffective drugs that are usually said to have made "honest mistakes." If a street dealer sold you an ineffective drug, you could five of your friends and go backand have a lively conversation with him. If a behind-the-counter dealer sold you an ineffective drug, you'd have a lawyer and a lawsuit and maybe, maybe, 10 years later should be some money file, although you'd probably be dead by then.

Street dealers do not have patents on their drugs, which means that they will always have plenty of competition. Pharmaceutical companies do, patents, so they set their prices without worrying about the market economy. And when their patents expired, theyis a drug put out a slightly different formulation, promote, and sell like mad support to forward the new drug in a monopolistic setting (with Government market, to manage the "money trees" in building up the bureaucracy.). You have to wonder when street dealers come and go with cocaine or LSD XR Reditabs.

Since the street vendors working in a competitive atmosphere, he has to keep its prices relatively low. To increase profitability, he can "step" to beProduct, which means thin. It would be unwise for a pharmaceutical company to distort its product range, but since it has a monopoly, they can set prices artificially high and achieve the same return. A street dealer, knowingly poisons his clientele is the earth as "scum." A drug that companies will knowingly poisoned their customers as "a tobacco company." People who sell illegal drugs often rot in prison for 20 or 30 years. Sell people legal drugs are often forced toboring day-long meetings. Persons taking the illegal drugs are considered "losers". People who consume legal drugs, as "everyone in America."

Glad that I am not an archaeologist in 4040, my brain would hurt a lot.

One pill makes you larger and one pill makes you in jail, and not operate any heavy machinery with which the mother gives you. (My ex-roommate was told that apply to his old job as a forklift operator, unless administered medications for schizophreniahe had not. He was no liar and could not expose a potential employer to the insurance risks or his fellow employees would bring life to danger. Many drugs are affecting people use their driving skills, and there are laws to take away their license, go into space.)

Driving that train, high on ethyl-4-1-piperidinecarboxylate.


It is a wonderful thing, to the joy of learning and a career that you find is your studies in the context to make. Thereare so many ways to get a Doctor label and thus claim expertise in many fields and disciplines that we have broken knowledge into. Some of this is at odds with genuine expertise and a majority of people, it just sets apart from knowledge and each other. But people are also being segmented into classes within the hierarchy of government backed by and for all the elites in many ways. The medicine is one of their dastardly tools alongside religion. This next little factoid reminds me of how EdwardGibbon almost died because the British Medical System did not approve vaccinations through the use of scabs as it were performed by the likes of Paracelsus or others in antiquity and in the France of his time was accepted.

"When the Cholera epidemic reached England, provided they have a further opportunity to compare homeopathic treatment with conventional methods of the day. Regular medicine showed a mortality of 59 percent compared with only 16 percent for the Homeopaths. (2)If these statistics were collected, the information was so startling that a medical commission was sent to the London Homeopathic Hospital to check the records. Although the data has been properly checked, it was decided to publish them, and the facts were not published until one hundred years later. "(3)

The founding of the American Medical Association is an important topic of alternative healing or real care for people. In the late 19th Century as these issues were becoming apparentthere were many who knew that the allopathic physicians, or sale of opium and the like were actually the 'Killing-trade'. There are signs that stress management is not (Bund - sweat or exercise) and the connectiveness the 'all' around us are now again a play in the preservation of health are considered. Vitamins and minerals are in a position to even the person who defrauded medical care that they work, and some groups of doctors and the governments that they again proveto disqualify even doctors who advise their usage.

Academics are subject to a 'Knowledge Filter' (Berkeley Law Professor - Johnson) or Literary Theory (UBC) English Professor Graham Good and the winner suppression of creative or thoughtful and meaningful potentials. Specified (4) The concept of Bucky Fuller, "the observers of the observed, "and his more 'creative realization' is part of what works, how we" project "to reality. For example, what we see areactually a mixture of energy from the dross and less excited to the highly excited or vibrational energy inside the atomic structures. One way of visualizing this includes an aura, which is known in the field of energy not usually visible but associated with the solar body and integrative centers of the chakras. Perhaps we could look at a time when all people had the opportunity to see or sense auras. Say in our socially normed 'projections' that our children are certain things notexist, we have lost the conscious integration or incorporation of these fields of reality.

Psychic surgeons in the Philippines and Brazil have measured their energy when operating at the same frequencies of 7.8 cycles had. It has me thinking about how we are to change our status and how others might perceive us in these changes. Sure, if someone has all of our spaces between electrons and nuclei, or between individual atoms and molecules we see, does not seemSolid by a long shot. Thus, these surgeons who would use any devices capable of infected or diseased body part or tumor to stimulate, to remove it to a change in vibration level. There are solid documentaries with such credible support as X-rays before San Francisco, a businessman who was like a tumor removed and X-rays a year later shows were not returned. At the end you must decide who win most of the arguments and whether you realize your own potential. OnceA few things that are impossible to debunk say - then a smile will come to your face, and the intellectual conflict loses all import.

String Theory knows about the harmonic forces that are less than solid, making the combined somehow to what we perceive as a solid. The astrophysicists now have told us that 95% of the universe, "Dark Matter" or "dark energy" - so with her before you are invisible and do not know it! Just kidding! We fear that we can not fully understandand our experts or priests and doctors include many of the key technologies for our fears. We even allow fear to love to anticipate what because at the end of our life is ironic is not the fear or the differences that regardless of the majority, but whether we are loved and allowed ourselves to be loved as much as possible.

"Every new perception of knowledge is always directly or indirectly on older knowledge. InteliTapping allows us to get in touch with the oldest, but most of the complete source of knowledge."(5)

Nature produces a show about the origin of music and the biological and archetypal impact on our evolution and emotional wherewithal had. Along with reed instruments from as long ago as 60,000 years ago, show the apparent development of sophisticated technologies, they pounded on the hole by those who rubbed his operas and stalactites. You set that the tree-swinging hominid that like the Sumatran Gibbon coordinated community for protection through territorial chants, is not somuch less known, because most of our major influences Lockean scholars seem to be. These animals also learned which plants are dangerous and what plants alter your spiritual consciousness. You can see it when your puppy goes outside for the first time and chews on some grass on his stomach to settle. Our genes contain a wealth of information or the ability to tap water to much knowledge. Most of you have discussed "weed" is the buzz from your thalami, and Third Eye, or pineal gland that has a crystal radioReceiver and grains or crystalline structures. Crystalline structures like quartz were known to be in the Lost Chord of the Druids and Shamans prove more than useful. There are magnificent quartz caves in Central America and elsewhere that would have been used by early hominids with certainty.

The Best Body Language - Gender:

Long before Tantra or Bhakti Yoga there are many things old probably learned from intercourse, even more than most people do today. Today we have drugssuch as Viagra for increasing the life of the sexual encounter. The Mayans have natural drug for this. There are so many things that make us busy or deflect us from spiritual insight, as in many Eastern systems which hold the reference to point out the 'busy-mind' or samsara and the illusion of Maya.

Second degree Wiccan students who have advanced through a rigorous training in esoteric knowledge begin a quest that many would regard as perverse pursuit of pleasure and masturbation. Partnersare also involved in other committed relationships. When a man and a woman who combined an interest in spiritual growth, experience the Tantric or Bhakti (Yoga) or ritualistic growth potential more free than just their personal self or ego to the heights of spiritual or psychic possibilities to achieve, who can say what is real and what he imagines. This effort to be with the spirit of community is as "working partners and allies, or the leader, who they really are trying to merge or work. TheImagination is certainly a part of the dynamics. It is not necessary to care for each other in the way of lovers. I did not do this "work".

Many people talk about 'soulmates' or 'dual flames' and the words become mere shadows of the real potential. At the same time sex is a dirty "word", and act in many areas of society.

What can a writer say, convey the essence of all these things?

When I release myself from the challenge of integrating these concepts, rituals andsoulful realities I would simply say trust and your soul knows where you go, you will have more than what you thought was really from the outset can.

When I talk about 'la petite mort' or empathic attunements with the soul of the partner, allowing herself to fall apart and be part of something bigger than one person, and solve almost in the vastness of the mind - it is just like prose and seem to poetry. The term "la petite mort" or "the little death" canIn fact, a kind of kundalini experience, which can lead to death.

Of course you can lead a long and eloquent about all their wishes and hopes. The essence of a great partner to work with these efforts, and probably little more with the manner permeates the soul to do all the people. The insights gained insight into the empathy and love with those who shared my needs are special to me and will forever stay in that part of my soul (if there is such a part)cherishes, that everything we were and hungers for what we had.

To the witch who moves 'down the moon' into their partner on the way to the worship of things no one can know fully reduced is the stuff of fear and insecure people. This kind of bigotry without actual experience in all areas society is widespread. It's really just the tip of the proverbial iceberg when one considers all possibilities, humanity has evolved to evolve from what we shared and what God separatedreally wants to achieve for us. No amount of constant seeking or obsession with these efforts will ever be a man closer to his soul than what he was, while in the womb of his mother.

Know the joy and creativity of the challenge is as great as a gift from our Creator can give us - except perhaps the endorsement of the soul in the beloved person, you are blessed to know the chance, and you have to share your life. At the moment of creation each day as we grow and learn to be, we are alwayspulled by a force which is to foster greater harmony and purpose for all energy sources.

Many (if not most think) people, which is 24-hour orgasm like alien abductions but the EEG and other methods of measuring physical responses would convince them otherwise. A similar number of people find the misuse of Tantric Yoga by the likes of Crowley and Hubbard is tantamount to evil in the man. I say they're right, but that's not the fault of Tantric Yoga. These techniques are very seductive and in someOpportunities, the participants would prefer to have the experience, even when they know very much about it because it is a sad truism that Masters and Johnson or Kinsey are right. They say a full third of women have never had an orgasm through intercourse.

Many people seldom enjoy sex and some significant number of the rest of us are in varying stages of poor, decent ability and openness to learning, how much the sex. One could say that our sexual relations are a good barometer for theState of society. I am for sex education and all the possibilities and responsibilities that go with the physical and emotional functions of the law. It is easy to understand why some people hesitate to have strangers teach their loved ones about sex. But Father Leo Booth is right when he notes that parents are their children or foist suppressive behavior oppress them just as guilty of abuse.


2) Rudolph Ballentine, M.D., Radical Healing, Harmony Books, New York, 1999, pgs. 75-6, we have Dorothy Shepherd, The Action of the smallest dose, pg. 13.

3) Ibid.


5) Bob Gottfried Ph. D., Shortcut to Spirituality: mastering the art of inner peace, deeper dimension Publishing, North York, Ontario, 2004, pgs. 53-4.

Author Diverse Druids
Columnist in The ES Press Magazine guest 'expert'

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