Saturday, June 5, 2010

The importance of hunger

eliminated in the field of weight loss, hunger is a dirty word, the villain must be stopped cold, but this provision against hunger that has created the worst propaganda for food. Food has become a dirty word, associated with pain, hunger and all things "right of withdrawal."

But if we just hungry for more we see that evil is only part of their heritage. Hunger is more like Edmund in "The Chronicles of Narnia. His desire to TurkeyDelicias temporarily surrendered to the evil witch, until the cold spell of inertia and recreate again erupted.

Hunger can be seen as more appropriate as an intermediate step, which is part of a process of transformation. What we learn from our hunger is the key to successful long-term weight control.

There are different types of hunger, the thirst for real food that comes after a hard day's work. This hunger is fundamental to our survival astells our body to replace the energy expended.

Then there is the hunger we feel when we are bored, the range on Sunday afternoon as the cold penetrates your bones. Are you hungry after a meal and you can not shake.

An insidious form of hunger that we feel at the end of the day, hunger, desire, because we are hungry, but because we have the ravages of homework and we haveAnother way to tame the beast. And 'the form of hunger, leading to rampant binge eating and weight gain, and while the problems (at work or at home) are still unresolved, the body of the subcutaneous fat layer of the shell skin is like a boot, to protect what they consider unjust resentment.

But it is not hunger that most of the three is redemptive, as in our path is actually a problem and an opportunity for growth and personal transformation. Change isthe nature of the body, the change takes place, on the other hand, the question becomes light. "Many physicists believe that all matter is ultimately reflected light," said physicist Fred Allan Wolf argues in his book The Mind in Matter (46). We are "trapped light" when we're out of ideas "that we learned unconscious" (62), how do I do this or I know I'm not so good. Are intended to be fat or slow or lazy. "They are part ofkeeps the armor we put on the floor.

But that light is trapped is released when the subject is moving. We do not just mean physical activity and exercise (which fits well with the details of this dynamic) but to create movement, the real work, we all know, is capable of birth unknown or repressed course, I blocked inertia and anxiety in itself does not see any way out of the misery of others that binge forgotten. JungAnalyst, Marion Woodman calls this inertia "of the Great Mother Crocodile," who "prefer to sleep in the mud, has become the focus" (Dance in flames, 24). She plays with the words "Mom", "materials" Checkmate "the primordial mud of oblivion.

Edmund is a part of the primordial mud (she was a witch in search of his mother in the Great), their perception was clean and I saw a new reality "of reality there is no new reality. Without a new perception" (in mindMatter 49). And if hunger for Turkish Delight Edmund takes on new meaning, and not be fed by the cold wave today Narnia powered by body movement, the great battle against the witch.

And it is with us. We must know the source of our hunger. What is the complaint that the food we have? The sleeping under our unfulfilled dreams cold spells? What are the opportunities for growth and spiritual awakening, which suffocated because ofThe labor relations or fear? What are the changes to revive the dreams and desires? If the path is difficult? If Yes is fraught with danger?

But yes be afraid, right? No! Because we have the power within us "birth" of this new car. And while keeping our vision in silence in front of us, that we succeed. In addition, there are guided tours on how weight loss coach, well-meaning friends and family, our intuitions, we can with the means to travelsuccess.

It 'much more dangerous to keep things as they are. The armor of fat and the denial that we have created around us is increasingly impenetrable in time. If you choose to actually see and create a new old stock they give you.

Why is it so important for us to understand the meaning of hunger. Sometimes hunger is hunger, not only for food. Hunger is the emergence of a new car from hunger for a birth that, like any other birth, a work in progress. About Usserious enough to address the wellbeing of our hunger, turn your energy around you used to drown in our place?

Copyright 2006 Mary Desaulniers

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