Wednesday, June 16, 2010

A Whopper of a Turkish TV Blooper

Before a national audience,
They live by the sword dies by the sword ...

Mehmet Ali Erbil is a living Turkish television and entertainment legend - who (as is well known for his wild behavior both on and off stage) and its many undoubted talents. Always a champion of a broad burlesque gags (some to expect that their legions, love), Mehmet Ali latest antics in the airinclude activities such as dancing sexually provocative, the launch of Nano and implementation of drag.

But last Friday evening as television presenter Red Şundadır ATV Ya Bunda (or this or that - a remarkable adaptation of The Dating Game), which has pushed the envelope too far, and fingers are burned in, but good - LIVE ... on national television.

Going to horse laugh Mehmet Ali alignedsome of the men and the driver had to raise their hands above their heads. Then he leaves behind him one of Hilmi Bey, and dropped his pants, while the cameras whirred live. ... The problem is that not only outside Hilmi Bey pants on camera, but it was his pants and - the exposure in step with bare hands masculinity is offered to the public national television.

And 'vaguely thought of the famous Bob Hope in the airbloopers 1950. The way we heard the story, Bob, then a movie star Marilyn Monroe made a presentation together - and when Bob asked how he was, Marilyn said it was a bit 'cold. This suggests the ever-helpful Bob: "Now put your hand in my pocket then. ... But you should be ashamed," he said modestly: "I feel a bit 'strange way to reach into the bag." With a smile, "said Bob," Reach a little 'and you can feelNUTS. And the program was the air.

"The accident" may occur when you know. And that Mehmet Ali Bey attempted to explain his bloopers at the Stade de Hilmi as an "accident." It apologized to all concerned - for each of the drivers, spectators and Turkish leaders like ..

But the day after the night before putting the bike ... "Ya Ya Bunda Şundadır show"until further notice. And the Turkish National Committee of the complaint (RTUK) is called to an emergency meeting to discuss the incident in the air and announce a verdict soon - as Mehmet Ali destination.

Dear Mehmet Ali Bey RTUK hope not limit your wild side of everyone - would be a sad day for Turkish television. Its innovative ways to provide fun for the faithful and the general public. But you can also wait for the worst ...Bob Hope blooper (remember more than half a century later) was banned from American television for two years. Oh my ...

Update: blooper A week after the incident seemed to Mehmet Ali, a hand of censorship board RTUK - and apologized again. Sensing his sincerity, the Board has sent a warning message.

[Click access Blooper after a fully illustrated version of HTML a Whopper of a Turkish television.]

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