Saturday, August 21, 2010

Fuller Renaissance science, optics and the utopia of Plato Fractal

The Parthenon of ancient Athens as a cultural icon of Western civilization. Recently, now that the optical principles have changed our basic view of modern science reveals that a new renaissance.

In 1687, an army commander turkish used to store gunpowder in the Parthenon of bombing a military operation against a barrel of Venice. A gunpowder exploded Venetian leaving the Parthenon in a state of ruin. Thisto measure the restoration of the Parthenon, information technology, in which different parts of the original structure in its place. has been made available by this process is important. The Parthenon has been carefully designed to meet the principles of optical engineering lost.

Although most scientific papers have been destroyed pagan Greek heresy, since we know that once existed in optical engineering principles of a spiritual reality. Plato reports that engineersI do not know how optical principles barbarians who call themselves philosophers were unsuitable.

In his book online, an explanation, "writes Professor Amy Edmondson, a professor at Harvard University, Novartis in optics discoveries of Plato. He called Buckminster Fuller for his enthusiastic approval of the truths found, but he has forgiven appear as credits to engineering principles, from Plato to take to get a spiritual aspect. Presumably these principlesrelate to optical secrets hidden in the Parthenon. The term "spiritual reality" is now identified with the logic of reality hologram fractal crystal, the liquid is well known that in the context of the operation. This logic is relevant to Buckminster Fuller's theory of synergy, a spiritual force of life energy that defies logic, that modern science confirms mechanistic actions.

In the fifth century AD, has challenged a vital force of the power of speculationChristian hierarchy. Pope Cyril of Alexandria seem to bother the followers of Christianity are addressed and burn the rolls of the Agora or the great library of Alexandria. Keepers of the Library, the famous mathematician, Hypatia was murdered by mass disorder. The 2009 Hollywood film, Agora characterized the events until his death marked the 415th in history, "wrote St. Augustine, that when the mathematics of Hypatia understand the work of the devil.

RecentlyNASA High Energy Astrophysics Library said that the documents are constructed classical Greek world view of fractal geometry of the logic of the publication. Modern science recognizes that the logic easily fractal infinity, but remains controlled by the second law of thermodynamics. Einstein considered the second law of first law of all science. Since this law, also known condemned as a universal law of heat death threatens all life on the disappearance of the possible logic of life sciences infinite fractalis unthinkable. Augustine's classification of life of Hypatia, science, the devil's work you see now are seriously polluted by modern science, a major concern for contamination by Buckminster Fuller. According to the publications of fractal logic NASA, it seems reasonable to failure in the twentieth century to show the popular appreciation Augustinian philosophy.

Encyclopedia Britannica lists the spirit of St. Augustine as the crucible, the most complete fusion of PlatoThe tradition of Greek philosophy with the religious influence of the New Testament, both Catholic and Protestant beliefs today. Synergy Lifestyle mathematics Fuller, derived from the spiritual point of view of Plato, is now the basis of a new medicinal chemistry in 1996 by Nobel laureates in chemistry developed three. When the fractal mathematics of life of Plato Hypatia of logic was needed, then the culture of Western science seems in a state of mental confusion. In his book "Beyond SocratesFind Cambridge University philosopher of greek thought, FM Cornford. Plato understood as one of the fathers of the largest Christian church, a concept which is simply impossible if the work of Plato is considered by the devil.

The second law of thermodynamics completely regulate all aspects of Western culture the most important technology. While traditional science readily accepted that the fundamental property of fractal logic is that it extends to infinity, we can notperhaps in the 20th century, Einstein's world view in which all life on death row die of heat will always be drawn. Now we can see the meaning of the title of the book by Fuller, Utopia or oblivion.

This book reflects the spirit of the famous conference speech in 1959 by molecular biologist CP Snow, who warned that if modern science and classical Greek ethics Provide half life sciences, civilization as we know it must be destroyed. Secrets of the Parthenon lost opticalis considered a very important discovery.

Copyright © 2010 Robert Pope

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