Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Vampire - Myth or Reality? Part 6

Dracula was a prisoner of the Turks and 1448, when Radu was with Sultan Murad II as an ally. Radu easily indoctrination techniques presented their captors. Dracula is a personality test perverse and insidious character during his imprisonment. His experience led him to view life as an economist, even a very low to think about human nature. He saw the value of morality so important in the management of state affairs.

Dracula saidTurkish language like a native. Turkish Delight> was also subject to get in shape in the harem. He completed his studies and training with the Turks in Byzantium cynical. Learned and a reputation for insubordination, the brutality, deceit, trick and thoughts. He surprised his own guards.

Dracula consciously developed his suspicious nature and form of captivity. Can not trust a man or a turkish. Alsodeveloped a strong desire and revenge. He will never forgive and forget all those who have crossed, which was characteristic of the family Dracula. Dracul Hunyadi ordered Juan's death in 1447 caused by pro-turkish. The design of the pro-Turkish policy was to save their children from possible reprisals, jailer or death among their Turkish.

political enemies of the son of Dracul killed in Targoviste Mircea, the eldest son of Dracul. Enemies blindedfirst with hot iron stakes and buried alive to die. Brutal Death Dracula gave an impression of depth. Hunyadi Even with the deep hatred of Dracula for the murder of Dracul and Mircea completely satisfied. After his arrest, with the Turks, Dracula went to his cousin in Moldova, then return to power in Transylvania Hunyadi.

Thanks To : Sumsung Lcd Tv