Saturday, September 11, 2010

His most famous painting - The turkish bath - Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres

The famous French artist Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres, better known as Ingres (born 1780) was a self-proclaimed painter "history", ironically, best known for his portraits and "Romance." Although it was one of the "neo-classical paintings, Jean innovative way of expression and experimentation of space and form an important position as the previous album" Modern Art ". John had learned the art of defining the way in which a right human, the right of the bestFacial expressions, the details of human anatomy. Painting one of his most famous works, "The turkish bath, at the age of 82 years. Obviously, he wanted to give their level of vitality and passion in this old, adapted for young people.

Founded in 1862, Domenico "The turkish bath" Jean is 43 "X 43" oil on panel painting medium, which is currently on display at the Louvre Museum in Paris. As the title suggests, the theme of thisEvil erotic work focuses on a scene in one of the bathrooms, which were essentially a hot water bath or sauna is divided into several phases, in which two or more persons jointly. Unlike his previous works, Jean Auguste did not support all models of life "turkish bath," but represents a set of characters in his other paintings of naked women in a harem, where most were willing to take underMalo.

The re-creation of the most beautiful, the central figure of the painting, whose back is shown in front of the viewer, "The wetting of Valpinçon" (1808) appropriately. The torso of the figurine is a replica of Valpinçon, while the legs are placed in a bed that hangs from the edge of "The wetting of Valpinçon" and nicknamed "The Turkish Bath." In all the other figures in the background, depending on deliberate distortions and IngresThe proportions of the human form are obvious. With increasing distance from the front of the viewer in front of the room, holding the black, with many female figures in different poses. Some of these women that the treatment of the hair of his lover watch, drink drink, some posing in a sexy, others simply to relax. Refrigeration is the final phase of the sauna, after passing through the heating chamber, wash the body with cold water andBody massage. "The Turkish Bath" seems to be the representation of the sky or the phase relaxation in the sauna.

Since the painting has been in private collections, and eventually led to the Louvre, its distance from public criticism against the very provocative eroticism. Another factor is here, is a painting by Ingres, who have never visited Turkey and had never seen a turkish bath, in fact,Master painter rich imagination and execution, however, gives birth to "The Turkish Bath."

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