There are more and more debt accumulation and that there is another world that is not essential, but so far remained unknown scientifically. There are also some 'accessories of evidence that this world is, without doubt, despite the fact that its true nature be discovered. For example, there is evidence of the existence of so-called "dark energy" and the words "affect the dark matter, with all that immense power.
The world matterlessis an environment in which he describes the time or space. He argues that only material things to fill the space and time are subject to training and development. The material universe is regarded as an excellent example of the material also applies to all components, as our planet and all living creatures and the issues therein. Therefore, if a world is not the subject of space extends to infinity without limits exist so that in every part of the materialThings. If you are not subject to time, which can exist forever without beginning or end. Based on this description, the world is infinite, then matterless a universe unto itself without limitation. Matterless would go beyond the cause. Proven based on the existence of "dark energy", one could say that the universe exists matterless includes all existing things, tangible or intangible, which are also an incredible source of energy through the material ordifferent. I think that the universe matterless "pure energy" that marked the "superpower" in a high mass density and the source of life for all that exists in the infinite space that exists in natural forms. Therefore we can assume, rightly, that the creator of his life in an infinite domain, but must also be very creative and intelligent. Therefore, one can appreciate the Creator, totally secular, not related to any religion, more like aSuper-scientist.
The lives of everyone, all the things people rely on energy in the universe. Most of the energy reaching the Earth's sun. Travels from the sun to the earth in the sunshine to come. Power plant, make dinner, where all animals and people to create energy for their survival. They use energy to work in food. The sun's energy in coal, timber and storage of oil is used by people of differentObjectives. The energy and matter are two fundamental ideas of physics are not quite distinct. Many physicists say that energy and matter are two aspects of the same thing.
The electricity is closely linked to energy and matter. It 'really a fundamental property of matter by which the whole universe. (World Book, 2001 Vol I, p. 190) of electricity and magnetism, together form a force called electromagnetism, one of the fundamental forces of the universe.Electricity is responsible for holding together the atoms and molecules, which consists of Mater. It determines the structure of any object that exists. (Ibid.) On this basis, we have where it comes from the incredible amount of electromagnetic force that may be needed to keep all the solar systems, galaxies and the universe is concerned. Matterless the universe, which is a huge energy seems the only option.
As science progresses, the growing evidence showing the existencea universe that is not subject to space and time. It 'was amazing, that helps us to work without thinking to achieve their cause. At that time, to examine the messaging system. When you write a letter to a friend, and send it by mail, depending on the distance, our letters reach their destination in one or two days to several weeks. This arrangement can be removed 5-10 miles or more. If we send the same letter to many others, as awedding invitation, we have the same action to be taken for each call.
In parallel, we now have e-mail system through which we can share the same letters in a matter of sending a very short time, regardless of the distance. Indeed, we can send the same letter, a million people at the same time with the click of a button. Letters to achieve your goals now are to "send" any distance. The same applies if the same email is sent to thousands of addressesdistributed worldwide, which covers the surface of the earth. From a distance, and the region in terms of space, letters to all 1,000 addresses throughout the world in seconds, the eye is drawn to receive the location or distance. Space is irrelevant.
calculated as the time component, the fastest in human brain function, learning from our minds at least lasts a few seconds. If the device was invented a mile calculation can be done in aSecond. Today you can make millions of calculations the computer to a decision in seconds. In a sophisticated computer that stands the figure of a billion per second. One billionth of a second is not the time. However, there are teams on the road, such as quantum computer capable of one trillion calculations per second label. Therefore, we were able to scientifically eliminate time and space in the communication system and entered the world without knowing matterless,the same.
We can also add the concept of "dark matter". Over 90 percent of the visible universe is composed of two atoms of hydrogen and helium in more light. However, it is argued that most seem to matter in the universe, dark matter is invisible. It is a substance that has most of the mass of the universe. There is no evidence that the issues of dark matter, reflect or absorb visible light, radio, X-rays or other electromagnetic radiation. The observations suggestthat dark matter is the mass of at least ten times the visible matter is. (World Book Day. 2001, vol 5, p. 37), scientists have identified dark matter only through the influence of gravity on the movements of the visible matter. Many scientists believe that dark matter consists of particles detected. (World Book, 2001, vol.13, p.312) and 'In fact, the universe is not "important" is different from the material universe and matterless. material universe does not contain documentsMatterless universe and embodies all. In fact, there are three worlds that we know, but few references to the other two. With the progress of science, there is other evidence to be discovered, eventually forcing the scientific community accepts the existence of these three universes, however, without knowing the true nature of the other two. This comes at a fascinating time for researchers and an interesting point in the limitless world of the unknowninto a fascinating world of knowledge has existed for billions of years waiting to be discovered.
Dr. Reza Rezazadeh
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