Sunday, September 19, 2010

Post capitalist society of free market (Part VII) - Technological Democracy - The Executive

Executive Committee

This branch consists of a National Executive, Foreign Affairs, Defense and Treasury departments.

The National Executive

As the highest executive authority of the Council, the Office of the President or another executive position in this case. It consists of seven members, elected for a renewable period of seven years. Council members are elected by separate original maturity of 1-7 years. Each yeara new member for a period of seven years, whose mandate expires replaced elected.

The oldest member of the Council is the President of the nation for a year. This is the final year of his mandate to the Council for the initial phase of this Council, members will be elected for one year. At the end of the year, the office of the presidency and membership of the Council and falls with the oldest member of the Council, which has more than two years with the Office of the Presidency andetc. This rule prevents the political struggle for the presidency, even if equality of opportunity. The President chairs Council meetings and serves as ceremonial head of the nation by diplomats and other purposes. It speaks to the nation and the world on behalf of the National Board. All decisions of the executive and the national or foreign policy by majority vote of the Board in relation to that presented byNational Legislative Assembly.

Council members are elected by regional governors, past and present. They meet once a year, elected to the National Council for a period of seven years. The idea behind this method is a member of the National Council must experience at regional (country), where the action and when the democratic system is running. Each governor takes knowledge and experience in socio-economicAspects of democracy, which also acquire useful knowledge for administration and policy. These tests are necessary, as the positions at the national level, away from the line functions and all internal services are organized on a regional and local levels. The country's leaders have to understand and be acqainted public functions at local and regional level.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs

The basic guidelines in the lightPrinciple of equal opportunities, in particular developing countries. service in the current circumstances of the diplomatic world, the economic elite and the rules of capitalism, this approach may seem absurd. But if we want justice and prosperity throughout the world, can not pass through the discrimination and oppression of the less developed countries, which developed in the United States in particular.

As in capitalism, where a small economic elite controls the operation ofpolitical and economic systems of developed countries in the world with a handful of developed countries have control of the main economic resources of most developing countries through economic exploitation and political influence. Democracy in a nation can not be a true and full meaning if the nation pursues the practice within its borders during the practice or consensus todiscrimination oppression and beyond borders.

A true democracy must be universalEffects. A nation must recognize the adoption of the universality of the principle of equal opportunities. Developed countries should be free from any economic or political oppression. First, the entire national debt imposed on developing countries have abolished the burden of indebted countries to pay is not exempt from this responsibility. Creditor countries do not suffer much in this campaign, and operate the debtor countries for decades, even centuries. Aspreviously described the financial companies against the United States, for example, be divided into small businesses and their assets can be significantly lower, like all his financial holdings in the areas of mass production, are national or foreign capital these companies, the gradual development of the working class transferred.

Secondly, all the national subsidiaries of multinational companies based in countries with developing independentgradual transfer of capital of each company, its employees use the same wage policy and actions for domestic workers. After all that in a democratic country in the production of goods and services is justified, it must be justified and carried out in subsidiaries of foreign companies.

Third possibility, all people equal in international relations will be granted only if the economic, social or political. This kind of public diplomacy is essentialfor the peaceful coexistence of peoples. Establish a rational basis for confidence, resolve conflicts through negotiation and thus a solid basis for lasting peace. Governments that do not apply the democratic rules through this learning as the enemies of peaceful coexistence and gradually ousted by his own people, led by a democratic process through democratic life in other countries. Since helping the responsibility of a democratic system isThe creation of equal opportunities between nations.

This foreign democratic approach is the only way to make a first opportunity for developing countries in their development with their choice of appropriate methods and technologies while also benefiting from technological and scientific knowledge through advanced societies. And 'the only hope of human progress towards global prosperity and sustainable global equilibriumtrue peace. disasters in the world will be shared by all, so that the world would be a success.

Currently, due to global imbalances, peace with violence, as the economically dominant nations are made, the United States in particular, tend to consider the starting point, the presence of military force or through the support of despotic regimes but in keeping with the developing countries remained. The reality is that when power is needed to maintain order, fairness and absence. Youthere is no true peace in a world of imbalances in the subjugation, oppression, discrimination or disadvantage ..

Ministry of Defence

Military power, under the current world situation is, in general, requires, above all, to ensure internal peace and international stability force. internal disorder develops when there is exploitation, discrimination, poverty, insecurity and injustice. The skills are therefore necessary to suppress dissidents and restrictionsThe rest, for the exploitation and discrimination and capitalism can still be controlled by the elite could continue to prosper. Military power is also needed to improve the exploitation and oppression across national boundaries of the less fortunate, or anywhere else that could be usefully applied.

democracy technology professionals of all nations, aims to eliminate exploitation, discrimination and oppression of other peoples. Policy toward other nations, particularlyCountries in the developing trend has dramatically changed possibilities. While most of the technological system of democratic nations, to accept the necessity of military force will be negligible in reducing the level of an international police force. While the world goes on the economic and social balance, reducing the need for military force and eventually disappears. Consequently, in a technological democratic society, the size, the level of armaments and the sphere of activityMilitary is considerably reduced and the Department of Defense is responsible for the nation only to defend its borders, in case of attack from outside. However, it is highly unlikely, as is done in accordance with the rules of a new and stronger United Nations, the United Nations is very different from this, to prevent the development of aggressive force. Then, in a democracy, technology, size and activities of this department a small fraction of its current size and functions. Finallynational forces to become an international police force for children, located in a foreign i9s operating under UN command.

Two important principles should be listed here. First, to help developing countries to eliminate exploitation and discrimination, the country's diplomatic relations with these countries, particularly in the areas of economic, scientific and cultural boat, rather than militaryor oppression. Secondly, the technological democracy tends to produce a highly educated, civilized people and intellectuals. Such a society does not need a large military force, either by car or surgery abroad because it has much more power, a polite and civil. History has shown again and again, if an advanced civilization, was occupied by the assault, sometimes the attacker, who was equated with a stronger culture and civilization and was absorbed byhis people. Therefore, a technological democratic society are not really conquered. By the time will overwhelm and conquer the conqueror.

Do not mistake that for the technological standards of democracy, the United States, while science and the technology is high, very rough and primitive. Therefore, it is their reliance on military power, barbaric behavior, such as advanced civilian population, there is no space. The strength of the militaryand their destructive capacity to determine the level of the barbaric nature of the people of this nation. With this description, the U.S. position at the head of the list.

The Department of Finance

This division is responsible for all financial transactions of the national and the provision of funds for two important services and essential health and education. It consists of three departments: the use of public finance, income and expenditure and cashAccounting.

Public funds consumption

This is where the use of all funds for expenditure on social protection and deposited by regional offices of the Council established the social framework will be transferred. All income from legacy products and will go to this account, and are devoted mainly to education and health care. A surplus in the fund account for future use. If expenses exceed income, the difference from general tax revenues providedDivision.

It is doubtful that if the technological democracy, the benefits that come from the income of profits, then? The fact is that until the democratic system is quite at home and all other peoples, while capitalism as in other countries, the gains will be realized. Also be maintained through market systems will continue to depend on supply and demand. Thus, during the period of transition from socialism to capitalism and democracy, for profitWhile continuing a downward trend and disappears once democracy is achieved.

expenditure and revenue

The money from this division is mainly from the sale of national resources are mined or processed by private companies such as oil, iron ore, natural gas, wood and many other resources. It is expected that the income would be the use of national resources across their domestic spending and a considerable amount of research is maintained,Development and investment. Resources in countries with little or no tax increase. However, note that in a democratic society, technology, there is no tax on personal income. All fees are paid by the institutions of production. Since there is neither rich nor poor in a democratic society, it seems that this type of taxation, to be fair and equitable.

At the same time as the size of the federal government to reduce drastically, so that its budget is a fraction ofthe current budget. Therefore, the tax rate, but not the production companies and paid by individuals will be significantly reduced. Revenues from domestic resources and taxes are levied by local authorities, according to the procedures and rules of the Economic Community of the National Council, set up and production. After the expenditure of local government, transfer of surplus by regional governments, which, after deducting expenses, the transfer of residues inTreasury. Please note that local and regional authorities in the national classification system is position and hence their costs to be reduced depending on its size, it is very determined and calculated. All budgets have been programmed and amateur calculated on the basis of equality with other governments, and changes the subject to national control Technodem before entry into force. Therefore, any government, local or regional whiteexactly how much money is taken from their homes.

The Treasury and Budget

This division is re-presented in terms of revenue and expenditure. National Budget and Accounting Office is also part of this division. This responsibility gives the accounts of this division, the Authority shall ensure the proper use of money from people. The Board shall, in particular the effectiveness of expenditure, the appropriate use and the process of liquidation of nationalregional and local administrations. Note that the bureaucracy is not necessary for the implementation of this huge and complex task that involves work Technodem automatically, based on the principle of equal opportunities, and report the results of accounting and governance. be followed in case of default and failure to comply with the requirements of the proposed budget, the problem was solved by the Technodem responsible government until a satisfactory solutionreached. The state government is responsible for overseeing the regional and local spending on the basis of equal opportunity. detailed structure and functions of regional and local governments, as well as production companies are reported in the literature is presented below.


1.Reza Rezazadeh, Technology Democracy: The philosophy of the future society Ahumanistic, 1990, pp. 259-265.

Second Tecnodemocratic ----------------, Economic Theory: CapitalismSocialism and Democracy. 1991, pp.190-193.

Dr. Reza Rezazadeh

1080 Eastman Street, Platteville, WI 53818

Phone: (608) 348-7064

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