The materials are presented below illusions or assumptions. All are strictly for me. But there are no scientific instruments to test currently available, this one of the materials here, and transcendence, I found the truth about them, can not be explained in this short essay, I direct readers to references at the end of this short document to find the answer. So instead of facts, I leave these assumptions to be presentreaders 'knowledge' of astronomy, astrophysics and other areas related to persons duly informed and their intelligence, logical reasoning and rationalization to reach a reasonable conclusion. I suggest that readers take this as a hypothesis for each segment, as well as the scientific verification of an application, try our search process and learning, then by logic and reasoning to examine its various components, and ultimately achieve an adequateConclusion.
Suppose there are two worlds instead of one. There are actually three, but neglecting others to understand why it is very complex and difficult in the current state of knowledge of the scientific community. However, we will give a brief explanation of the third world has its form and nature of the reader, gives the discussion. The material universe matterless first, second and third. The firstmatterless as they are not submitted in time and space, as only they can be large. Therefore, the universe matterless under the standard measurement used, and including the time, extends to infinity, without beginning or end. This is what we can, "Pure Energy" or call the super power. This is a highly compressed mass of pure energy. The term "mass" is not the same as the bulk material, we know. There is no path or the correct term for this mass in ouravailable scientific vocabulary. Since the source of life energy for the body of the universe of plants, animals, people and small particles, including pure energy at the highest level should be less so, the very busy life, with higher intelligence and an enormous creative power. Therefore, as a higher being, it seems that the only source capable of creating the material universe, as indicated below. Of course, if the creator. Your matterless,Has no gender, is neither "he" or "she", but "the". No light is associated with the universe, and can not find the light with matter and space.
Since the Creator is matterless extends to infinity. It is always present everywhere beyond the object, including humans. He has a great sensitivity to the environment at any time. How matterless with him to see no need to hear, though. Therefore, it is comfortable in total darkness. Our scientistsCommunity has discovered a trace of the Creator. It is the name of dark energy with a mass of condensed and maximum power. Every effort will be made in the concept of materials science, to learn more about them. This is nothing more than the Creator. Once we are far from our planet, we are the same in absolute darkness, even in the presence of the Creator. Given all these facts, we conclude that the Creator is a sacred dogmaadopted by various religions, but the secular nature, unrelated to any particular religion. It 's like a scientist, inventor, and creator and super models such as super-eager to scientific experiments that may have been the creation of the material universe, and probably beyond. The essence of these experiments do not provide the same objective, namely a material universe.
The second universe is the physical universethat, at least in what we found is presented in time and space as a problem and as such has a beginning, a process of living and development, and an end. As the material universe begin? It 'a question not fully answered. When you consider that the Creator is to create a material universe of experimentation, of course, is not with the Big Bang, much earlier, to start that. Just wondering what caused the Big Bang was. If we thinkthe intention of the Creator to make super-scientific experiments in the creation of a material universe, which can easily reach the conclusion that it is absolutely necessary to provide a material basis, the essence of the Creator, Pure Energy wine. There is no conceivable source. We also know that in our material world, energy in a variety of forms, is the source of life and the basis for the existence of all things of the material world, even the planets and all living beings themselves. Based onall these facts with the Creator, or the universe matterless, which is pure energy seems to be the only source of immense power to create the material universe and life goes on, the evolution and transformation is necessary.
Therefore, it is reasonable to assume that the Creator for the implementation of these experiences, and marks a first point and a space with specific dimensions of the overall objectives of their experiences, and decided in a positionThe absorption and accumulation of energy from pure energy that is its nature. In a billion years or more, was the accumulation of energy in the space provided in the shape of a truncated large transparent, but solid, which crystallized can be added as a pure substance, the final size that was designed to call Creator to achieve the objectives of their experiences. For now "space" before and "Time" were created long before the Big Bang. The materialUniverse was well laid out and the rate of creation, evolution, maturity, decline and extinction by the Creator and the thought that it was time to see if the system to continue the process of design of experiments Creator.
When the matter was considered by the pure energy of the saturated pure energy, which reached an explosion caused the Big Bang, unleashing the enormous energy of it saturated. Due to extreme heatresulting questions that were not clean all were generally in the form of gas, including what would become a solid or liquid. The explosion caused a lot of light associated with heat, which is out of print matters like the wind, creating an enormous black hole at the center with an incredible force of the electromagnetic force of gravity. Parts of large pure substance released by the Big Bang are not transparent solid, but probably not as pure as thatorigin, but also to absorb more energy compared to saturated fat and farther from the center of the furnaces. So we can assume that in reality was not just a big bang, but a series of big bangs, perhaps not as great as the original, and also occur in the external dimensions of the universe, although not as powerful as the previous establishment of new galaxies, solar systems and planets accordingly. Therefore it may be wellimplies that supernovae are connected, the extension of this horse could.
induced immediately after the Big Bang, because of the extreme heat of the 'explosion, all applications in gaseous form. After a long period, as temperatures fell, some questions, then took a solid, liquid gas to the contrary in another, more condensed liquid was avoided. Ultimately, solar systems and planets were crystallized. Evolution of life on any planet dependssubstantial elements of the planet and the environment in which they were. Evolution of the planet continues, maturity, old age and the decline and extinction. The nature of things that make each planet determines the measure of its ability to absorb energy from the sun and other sources.
Because energy is the source of life, the nature of the accumulation of this energy, created in an environment free of obstructions increased solar Sun System accidental energybe admitted on a planet created for the animals. This increase in energy, which occur very rarely, while the life of a sun, an orbit that creates the movement outward. This outward movement of this high-energy orbits, known as the orbit of intelligence, so that some planets have been found to absorb more in the class and one energy. More the adsorption reached a point known as the line of information through an encounter with the planet of intelligence nuclearOrbit expands.
This level of intelligence has been affected, positively or negatively, depending on the nature of the material elements of each planet and its environment. Consequently, the high-energy environment, a variety of intelligent creatures, including man was created a favorable environment. This hypothesis is in contrast to the Darwinian theory of evolution of man from other species. The level of intelligence of the next classintelligent being expanded by increasing the level approached the level of intelligence of the planet, in the world, arrived at the base of intelligence inside the orbit of the sun and abroad.
It 'important to note that the Creator does not create the universe, its components and the organisms that live on planets, including ours. They were required to meet the specific conditions for their creation, as an experience of the Creator's design and buildthe level of available energy. For example, people were not created by the Creator, not created, even in a specific area of the planet. The different parts of the world are subjected to different environments, some people have created tens of thousands of years after the other, probably more intelligent than the previous group because of the increasing level intelligent planet that we had put in a higher level intelligence. Therefore, the development processeach planet, as the physical universe, which involved the creation and evolution side of the other at different levels of development and different environments. Based on the environmental conditions and the natural habitats of some species were created, some developed countries in a new, and some have died. The same process is still ongoing.
Inevitably, there comes a time in which the power consumption of the planet has reached the level of absorption. At this stage of developmentStop. According to this, the decrease of energy absorption, or as a result of reducing emissions from its energy source or some changes in the components and composition of planets or other reasons. As a result, the planet receives less energy than they need for their survival and begins an accelerated process of devolution and degeneration. On planets with living beings, this situation occurs when the planet is close to the evacuation ofInfluence of the orbit of intelligence. When the intelligence of the planet is reduced intelligence in Earth's orbit, causing the level of intelligence cavity of intelligent beings. If the planets in orbit outside of the resources of intelligence, level of intelligence on the planet has reached the zero point and not the intelligence to survive and the planet loses its weight with the increase of power since its accelerationThe components can not be maintained with its gravity weakened and the destruction of the planet. can have on the planet, they find in their development or level of intelligence of the orbit around any body type. The lives of these planets is relatively short.
Apparently, the material universe, the object of experiments followed the same course of evolution, decay, decentralization and extinction.After its creation, the Big Bang, which has begun to spread beyond the speed of light through the incredible power generated by the explosion. From this point of explosion of the movement of the material universe was under the influence of two powerful forces: the pressure developed outward from the Big Bang, and tensions instead of the explosion has created a very serious and the electromagnetic forces generated from the Big Bang. The resulting effect wasAcceleration of growth. This is in contrast with the current concept of the accelerating expansion of the universe. In addition, the most successful, the resulting effects have influenced its growth, and their extensions are spherical, part of which extends toward the center, opposite the direction of expansion of the universe. These repeated post-Big Bang explosion, have chaotic motion inside the balloon caused the material universe. Based on theseAssumptions, to reach a point in time the universe would have zero expansion. Then, under the force of gravity from the center, which leads to an accelerated recruitment to the cause of greater heat begins to spread, which is closer to the center of the merger and the reduction of billions of planets existing speed to increase the amount of temperature causes all the problems of gas and, finally, completelyremoved from the processing in the state of matterless, so that nothing behind him. Any material that will disappear by transforming the way matterless again. It seems that nothing ever happened. Given the infinite-dimensional universe matterless, this process would be like a mosquito bite in a human body, it expands outward, then stop the inflammation of the skin and brings it to its normal state, without the bite left a mark.
Consequently,It should be noted, very important that the history of humanity as people back to Melanie, secularism and pure matterless Creator who, even today after thousands of years, our scientific community needs to understand the difficulties were to accept below. There are many proofs of this assertion. Zoroaster, the great Persian prophet, around 1500 BC, when he presented his dynamic message of monotheism "unique"Concept of the individual operator, called "Ahura Mazda", a super-intelligence "as" the creator of the universe and fan sustainor. "(1) The word of ancient Persia to the Creator" Khod'a "created by myself. This means that there are cases of pure energy. Pasta with scientific progress, the discovery of the world, or the Creator matterless presented here and to understand, is a century or more in the future. E 'can onlyTranscendence achieved by years of meditation to develop the spirit of morality, and finally find the world matterless. In short, is the science of the future, for example, when examining HGTS heard by the scientific community in modern times. However, I know because I've been there, and everything that comes from knowledge. [2]
The main objective of the exhibition was well-informed readers, especially qualified to inviteAreas such as astronomy, astrophysics, metaphysics, and put aside their prejudices and open rejection and due consideration to the facts and draw conclusions based on logic, reason and rationalization. The hope is that if this way of thinking is followed by the scientific community can determine the nature of the universe matterless and the facts of creation and evolution of the material universe, not in a century or more than expected, but much earlier. A massiveincredible wealth of knowledge to be discovered. If it is determined that there are about universal peace, prosperity and peace. Make up a real democracy, eliminate excessive materialism, the adoption of the principle of equal opportunity in all aspects of daily life. [3]
It 'been said that there is a third universe called moral universe, and give a brief description. material world is a stage between the materialand matterless universe. It is transparent, invisible to our eyes. Swallowing the material universe. For each material there is a planet of material much more numerous. It is subject to space and time by a different standard to measure all means. Can be considered as a concept of time scales, if we know that a year on this planet is thousands of years on this planet. The same applies to non-material beings who live there. can prolong lifeThousands of years. The climate and the environment follows the same rules with huge variations. The temperature can vary from a few thousands of degrees below zero and very little on this. This is a super-advanced civilization, which, although there may be a poor creature, but more needs to be corrected automatically. Life is very painful for those in hostile environments on the planet in a trap, and very convenient for flightsEnvironments.
Finally closed, we can say very little about the concept of neosecularism come true when we accept the facts of both worlds above. Secularism is defined as indifference or rejection or exclusion of religion and religious considerations. Neosecularism is the exclusion of religion or of religion defined. It differs substantially from secularism, because it rejects the dogmatic religious ideas of God,Spirituality and the creation of the material universe, but in a completely secular, rational and scientific, accepts the existence of a creator of all secular and a different path for the process of creation and evolution.
Of all the papers presented, one can easily conclude that: first, nothing is sacred to the Creator adopted by various religions. It is a secular complete with a super top-life, intelligence and creative power. So instead of the CreatorRelationship with or interests belonging to a religion. His only interest in people, if appropriate, affect the behavior and development as part of his experience during the creation of the material world.
Second, because the creators of pure energy that the highest and purest to be there could be nothing more than nature is intrinsically good, pure and positive. Most likely, as a super-scientist is interested in seeing how the quality and purity canrestored when the simple question downgraded from the Big Bang was a lot less problems, including humans.
Thirdly, the creations in this material universe, the Creator, in terms of contact with human beings is their intelligence, the human mind or spirit as the place and the contact is maintained. It seems reasonable to suppose that the main objective of these experiments was to examine the possible level, and seeing peopledevelop approaches to the pure essence of Creator matterless level.
Fourth, people in the process of self-development of guidelines, in the sense of purity, the operator often receive help from those who deliberately designed and purified, and are in direct contact with the transcendent Creator. It is not really affected by the Creator as a prophet or agents. The fact is that when a person is aware of the meaning of lifeand creativity are dedicated to physical and mental development after years of hard work and discipline that has finally reached the level of contact position, the Creator. In this high level of purity is necessary for the task stressful and often dangerous direction to take on another. The number of people than Jesus, Moses, Muhammad and others who have been mentioned limited, but a lot more at a given moment, remains unknown. Many of them operateThe silence of its own bonds. You will receive instructions from the Creator, if necessary, and ask yourself. And the more knowledge is discovered about the universe and the Creator, a rational, non-coercion and non-dogmatic way of thinking, which marks the neosecularism prevailed. Other religions and dogmatic beliefs and thoughts of losing its influence in people's daily lives. The main reasons for conflict and confrontation will disappear, and the possibility ofpeaceful coexistence occur.
1. P. 3
2. For more details on this concept, the type of meditation to reach the world matterless, refer to step in heaven: the mysteries of the universe, and happiness with the author, Reza Rezazadeh, Fulbright scholar and professor emeritus at the 'University of Wisconsin. For more information, visit
3. For this conceptTechnodemocratic see democracy in economic theory: from capitalism to socialism and democracy, 1991, by the author. For more information about this book and other relevant
Dr. Reza Rezazadeh
1080, Eastman Street, NY 53818
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