Friday, December 10, 2010

Iran, Turkey Floatilla mimics the Israeli blockade of attack submarine Run Running Gun Shot

Turkish humanitarian aid, which had planned humanitarian Floatilla Palestinians as the two-goal lead, one of the Israeli blockade, and two, the intervention of Israel as an event in the world that the Israelis are bad people to view. "Mala Gente", really, really, tell me, what about when the released as an international terrorist organization Hamas, 10s of thousands of rockets into San Diego, and to avoid, we have obtained will happen in the future?

Then takefound that the movement of these goods do not work on our block in the area behind the border and we believe that the shipments "may contain more rockets, weapons and suicide attacks is part of humanitarian goods? Qu this is what the United States? Probably exactly what the Israelis, and may all nations. Now look at Part II Floatilla appearance.

This time, Iran whose president has repeatedly declared that Israel would have blown the paper, and even said that IranI, as president of Iran says its nuclear program - is considering the same strategy for public relations use of the block, this time with Iran ship 1,100 tons of goods for humanitarian purposes, the Israelis run challenge.

Iran and Israel are bitter enemies, and since Israel has already stopped incoming containers of weapons, Hamas and Hezbollah coming from Iran, the Israelis have no choice, they can not afford. Meanwhile,Israeli intelligence believes that in this boat, many humanitarian goods, but also suicide bombers (remember Iran has promised 300,000 and trained suicide bombers) are used and the incoming Hamas weapons and society for a future attack against the State ' Hebrew.

suspect needs to know the relationship of Israeli intelligence. And let me tell you what to say my sources of information for me. The Iranians are also two mini-submarines to attack in support of this mission. However, thissmall submarines that Iran is not so significant compared to the U.S. attack submarine, torpedoes, but have them. So if Israel moves to stop the ship, the warships were dismissed - most likely.

And if Israel is forced to use the controls on the ship, you get over it, forcing a door, so that the office would have to say that will not be intercepted bomb explosions in the port. Who says this is not an act of war, disguised as humanitarianMission, now that Israel has to block a bit 'after the last part, I Floatilla public relations disaster in the international media, including Iran do?

The reality is that Israel is doomed, if not stop the boat, and damned if it works. Iran knows this and use the international media to make Israel look bad, the forces of the United States after Iran, the United States, different, and that contributes to a nation that seems to humanitarian aid. This is a move by Iran, andsucks. The program can not rely, or any other nation, the proxy funds terrorism and pursues nuclear weapons. Think about it.

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