Saturday, December 18, 2010

Islam - a religion of hate or love?

There is a sufficient basis for a Christian or a Jew, a well-founded fear of the terrible practice of Islamic theology, and our ambitious agenda for Muslims has taught and performed by the Prophet Muhammad in the Koran? The Koran teaches that Muslims must be honest, peaceful and tolerant as his associations with people who do not believe that Muhammad, or vice versa? These issues are treated differently in the world of Shiite and SunniSections of-a-billion global Muslim population. Most of these practitioners of devout Muslims, religious fundamentalists who are citizens of the Middle East, parts of the empire of Muslim origin who occupied and ruled the Holy Land, and much of Europe between 700-1100 AD

As is the case today is reading and interpretation of the Koran by a Muslim cleric in Islamabad, Pakistan and Kabul, Afghanistanfundamentally different from a mosque in San Francisco, California has done. The fundamental precepts of love and peace given by Mahomet in the Koran, that he gave when he seems to Mecca in Saudi Arabia are very different and very opposed to that then he gave his followers to Medina, who said that essentially repealed or amended their previous bids. The new rates apply to the repeal of all Muslim believers and convert one or the other,capture or kill the infidels and in accordance with the respect, the sixth pillar of Islam, jihad, or armed conflicts. These infidels, according to Muhammad, including all practicing Jews and Christians, or those who worship the Christian Trinity, or God also Mohammed encouraged devout Muslims to lie and deceive the infidels in poses of liability before the Sharia Court of Being, God . Over 350 verses of the Koran teaches that hatred of the infidels. In one of them,(C9B1N31 Muslims), Muhammad said: "I have been commanded to fight against people until they testify that there is no god but Allah, and believe in me (that) I am the messenger and all I brought. "Consequently, the meaning of the word" Islam "means submission to the will of God deserves. Traditional Islamic scholars have argued that everyone has the Koran and the Koran, studied, without mastering the doctrine of waiver is fundamentally flawed. Muslims who are faithfulnot accept the cancellation has fallen outside the mainstream of Islam, and perhaps even religion. But the Ahmadiyya sect of Islam is now concentrated in Pakistan, still refuses to lift only because it shows that the Koran is not error free.

Compared to the commandments of Jesus Christ in the New Testament of the Bible, to love everyone and treat others like them to keep the commandments of the Quran MuhammadSee, deep down, first in the theological purpose, because they are written, like love and respect for Muslims by other Muslims are not like Muslims who adhere to ask "all" the son of God and the rigor completeness of the fundamentalist Islamic theology, as taught and applied in Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Iran, Iraq and Afghanistan can be derived from sources other than the Koran, read and interpreted in classical Islamic clergy. Therefore the Sharia (Islamic or traditionalAct) was the Islamic leaders of the growing Muslim population in Western countries like the United Kingdom recommended, as permitted by law, shall govern all Muslims. For example, many Muslim fundamentalists in London that the British have taken the liberty to practice their own laws and traditions, rather than British law. In other Islamic traditions, and enforce Islamic law permits polygamy, honor killings, where the son and daughters of the fundamentalistSelect Muslim families, faithful companion of non-believers in the practice of Muslims, for the honor of families are killed. And what kind of law is clearly what Barack H. Obama is in favor of calm in recent years, first as S. u. Illinois Senator and now as president of the United States for practicing Muslims in the United States, which has clearly demonstrated its note apparent respect for Islamic tradition and theology of what he says is his faith and Christian values. This could explainbecause 18 percent and growing segment of American voters believes Obama is not really a basic Christian belief.

The stark contrast between the above pure Christian love that Jesus taught and participated in the Bible, and taught hatred and blatant human conflict and emphasized by Muhammad and recorded in the Qur'an, is the essence of this test. This apparent dichotomy is a surprising fact, and to make it hard, when the Taliban MuslimsClerc, read and interpreted in Kabul, Afghanistan, and Mohammed is the Islamic precepts and a very different meaning for them, for example, Muslim clerics in Washington, DC, of course, Westernized Muslim clerics show controversial interpretations such as words in Jesus' ruthless Bible and New Testament, with the introduction of evidence, as bloody crusades, which were sponsored by the Jolly Popes of the Catholic Church to recover the Holy Roman EmpireCountry, presumably in the name of Christ. The turning point in the tragic history of Western civilization is little evidence to interpret the words of Jesus in the Sermon on the Mount "and during his personal ministry and the ministry of the apostles later. For the popes, the Crusades, not as a representative of Jesus, but ordered a military empire, the papal bull in the name of revenge for Western interests. Zero sound and reasonablemay be able to read the words of Jesus in Matthew. 10:21, reason and reality, the rhetoric is anything but a clear separation between Church and State, said that his statement to the Jews, "Render unto Caesar what is Caesar's and unto God the things that are God "was a concise explanation of this separation. Pontius Pilate, Jesus also said in John 18:36" My kingdom is not an earthly kingdom If it were, my followers are struggling to stay away, the hands.The Jewish leaders. But my kingdom is not of this world. "Today, Christian ministers in Ankara, Turkey read the Sermon on the Mount" and the basis of meaning, driven by the attraction of Christian ministers in London or Moscow. Not so with Muslim leaders around the world in the words of Muhammad to read the Quran, very different.

After his ascension to heaven, Jesus taught his apostles, Santiago, what is impossible for both the good and evilJust go to the divine person. Jas 3:11 Bible in depth Scripture illustrates this principle explicitly Christian. "If by a spring to the same opening fresh water and salt water? In the case of Mohammed has done, because he exhorts his disciples to say and do things so badly, and apparently were in favor of the interests of Muslims. This is a historical fact. A true prophet of the true God of heaven, saying these things? "I do not think. Now thatfor fear that true Christians in the United States should spread of Islam in the Republic have, and greatly increased the population of Muslim immigrants and their descendants, I sincerely believe that the presentation to the international Muslim community, a program for Western Infidels have a strategy, the most populous nations one day before the practice of Sharia inexorably voted overwhelmingly Muslim. In other words, ifcontinue to grow in a fertile and able to influence policy.

The Muslim world was a potentially dangerous sleeping giant before 1950, before the United States and Great Britain began secretly to stop Muslim country, its rich oil reserves and production, control, and certainly before the first invasion of Iraq United States in 1991. The governments of the United States and the United Kingdom has notRemembering the Iran coup led CIA/MI6 1954, Operation Ajax, a democratically elected leader of a Muslim state, and a set of / puppet dictator of the United States British, the Shah of Persia, the government fell on his head. This, among other things, was seen by Islamists as a reason to keep the vendetta against the infidel West. In addition, Muslim immigration in the United States before 1970, its lowest point. Then, after Iran's IslamicRevolution in 1979, and later, when the orchestration of 11.9 murders were at home in Saudi fundamentalist Islamic Jihad and Osama bin Laden by the Bush administration is responsible, and were mostly in Afghanistan and Iraq, falls in vain to overthrow the Taliban and Saddam Hussein, the Shia and the Sunni fundamentalist factions of Islam around the world have begun to unite and work together incredibly well for the opposition theological infidel invaders. An army of fortuneoften untrained and poorly armed Afghan Taliban have been successful since 2002 in chess on hundreds of thousands of better-trained Marines, Army and joint U.S. Special Forces container to neutralize the rebels in the mountainous region. It seems that the terrible lesson of attempts by the Soviets in their subjugation of Afghanistan have learned the political imperialism of the arrogance of the United States have learned to take control of the United StatesMilitary is an important lesson in the fight against the unjust war unwinnable. With regard should have learned the lesson of Vietnam for all time. But since 2003, the same sad end in Iraq, where a reasonable mind to conclude that the repression was seen, and the elimination of bloody Islamic militants opposed to American presence in Muslim countries it is almost impossible.

Since 1991, support for population data, immigration of Muslims in the Middle East, women and familiesin Western countries has increased 85 percent, and the birth rate of Muslims in the U.S. and the UK is about 6.7 children for every adult Muslim woman. No wonder that the Muslim population of London is an astonishing 85 percent between 1980 and 2000 has increased. This is probably why the Muslim population was large enough that the British city to practice Islamic law, which was officially launched in 2008, the United Kingdom adopted Sept. 14 at the request of ShariaPlates, set by the Islamic forces in the capital. A colleague recently told me something very provocative in terms of truth probably about the spread of Islam in the United States. In essence, he suggested that if Muslims believe the Koran to lie and deceive the infidel Christians and Jews to trust them to take power over the infidels, how can all of a practicing Muslim, particularly those that promote interpreted arbitrarily confidence QuranMuslims say that the command to love and tolerate Christians and Jews. The capture of this perception is not irrational Judeo-Christian and an Islamist agenda and are able to control what is on grounds of conscience for Muslims to be the Great Satan Western take on a life of millions of Christians and Jews throughout the world on hold . The proof, as they say, is in the pudding, or in this case, what is written in the manual of standards for the practice of Islam, the Koran. Very few hundredMillions of Christians in the United States, Britain and Western Europe have a real knowledge of the resignation is not taught by Mohammed in the Koran, and total hatred, expressed in words, against Christians and Jews, is a tragic reality. Most of these people accept misinformed interpretations of Islamic doctrine, presumably, to the west and Muslim clerics are wrong to think that Muslim communities in cities like Philadelphia, Los Angeles, Paris, Rome,Madrid, and even love from Sydney, Australia, and really tolerate Christians and Jews.

I remember the words of the venerable Jewish scholars Helmud Weiss, who taught German literature at the University of Berlin had arrived during the period of Adolf Hitler and the Nazis to power. He laughed his friends worried, as urged to flee their country for America, "even if the Nazis come to power they want, there are enough people of good will in Germany to stop HitlerAnti-Semitism, for the words and ideas of the people is an abomination, it's all right. "However, the records of history, unfortunately, Professor Weiss was sent in 1939 to a gas chamber in Auschwitz. Therefore, it is probably a good idea for those who like to have the trust Jews practicing Muslims, and tolerance for Christians , and read all the other non-Muslims, the Koran for themselves, a true knowledge and correct the deviation of religionfounded by Muhammad.

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