The Decent Homes Programme is a 10 to 12 years in the Government's initiative to € 40 billion for the modernization of all public housing in Britain.
nursing homes in the western city, spending an arm of the organization management (ALMO) which was separate from Westminster City Council for five years, 200 million pounds redevelopment 13,000 rental units managed by Westminster City Council.
Brian Johnson, the head three years ago, said: "We have a transition from behaviorwithin a local authority, a small organization that is more independent and can act to grow, change and must respond quickly and the need to offer more of a complete overhaul of attitudes and skills that they do. Most of the management team and are not in the public sector, which is on the one hand, a great advantage because we are not to our knowledge of what was possible and limited in the past. A disadvantage is that we do not know whatI do not know. "
One thing Johnson and his team knew three years ago, was that they needed outside help to manage the reconstruction of the buildings it manages, and is "completely irresponsible" to employ 19 people full-time, which was long, but limited . Johnson is a project manager with experience and enthusiastic executives and brokers involved in the Decent Homes Programme, said, "Child's Play".
Impact cameLeader of assistance and consultancy Gatrill Paul, a civil engineer and surveyor with experience, controllers, project management for the modernization and rehabilitation of six towers of 20 floors in London, Harrow Road ugly. "The first estimate of labor costs was £ 48m, and we told him we could not more than 36 million pounds and set a goal, even before they start unjust," said Johnson.
Another complication is that CityWestproject management processes houses were practically nonexistent, "says Johnson.
"But in the course of his career, Paul has had a hand in actually building a high percentage of all the tall buildings in London, the confidence that we could offer reliable, but had to build the processes around them, he said.
"And he certainly has the ability, in a chaotic environment, which is what I have achieved most of interim managers are expected to add the work showmost of its value on the basis of being in the documents that are more qualified "
CityWest Homes Gatrill joined in January 2005 with a blank sheet of paper. "I knew the budget and that we completed in early 2010, he said." I have developed a quick and appointed a team of surveyors, architects, civil engineers and health and safety area. We work with the care team Wates, business regeneration ".
It was not long, was GatrillCapable of taking the project forward, initially until April 2009 and December 2008 and reduce total cost of £ 1,500,000.
"We have to make the building and start looking again, but it would cost twice more than twice took so long and that the buildings have a life expectancy of 50 years, compared to 30 that will bring renewal," said he said. "The discovery would have meant temporary accommodationfor residents. "
As it is, the modernization has led many to divide people, and recognizes that "public service" Gatrill the biggest challenge of the project. "The building is the easy part, the problems people are difficult and demanding," he said.
Every experience in project management in the private sector - hotels, office buildings, etc. - and build brand new. "They have all kinds of problems in the design and implementation ofSure, but they are relatively easy to overcome, "he said.
Johnson admits that the organization has learned.
"We were right in the management of some high-profile projects outside the area, but I think we all underestimated the challenge of advising a resident is very different from that of typical project management exercise," he said.
"These blocks are weak investment within 20 to 30 years andResidents often experience changes in television, where people like Carol Smillie new orange jumpsuits and transform the city in two days, "Johnson continued." It does not reflect the reality of the kind of change in our restructuring, so that the expectations of management of the population extremely difficult. We have a lot of consultation, which is nice, but in reality most people are more interested in how it will affectWeek after week. "
Gatrill bear the brunt of the frustration of residents. Johnson said: "Paul has said that calls on a Sunday morning, the car has left a high stopped going to work - the other was out of service must be replaced at the same time was Paul has never lost the spark or O. passionate desire to do things differently. "
An element of resident consultation exercise Gatrill at the time of installation of digital television. Buildingsare dotted with satellite dishes, and takes two large plates of each roof, then back to cable television in every home, "he said." But more than half the population is Arabic, and we have Arabic, Turkish and Egyptian channels TV, among others. "
But Gatrill and his team are now halfway through the project, and this month, as part of network security and just outside the building, so that people seeWindows for the first time in months, and use their new balconies.
The initiative to adequate housing is one of the many things CityWest Homes had to do well in the last two years, which is part of an independent life.
"Thanks in part to have our experience and in part from the experiences of others who have reached some time scales and budget have been ridiculous that we face," said Johnson. "It gives us a real influence on government policy, and we are nowEstimated at 2% of similar organizations in the country because of the things that Paul and others like him have helped to give birth. They played an important role as part of a powerful team. In particular, the performance of Paul in the project within budget and the beginning of a fantastic result. "
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