Tuesday, March 22, 2011

historic speeches of Martin Luther King - I have a dream - until Coretta Scott King

The idea behind this book is simple: to publish the text of Martin Luther King Jr. 's famous "I Have a Dream" speech - delivered in March in Washington in 1963 - the art of illustration of the fifteen artists whose work is presented Accompanying the books have received Coretta Scott King Award and honor. The result is a thing of beauty and passion for this historic moment in American history, a visionary tribute to Martin Luther King, who gave the keynote address, and a strong reminderRenewal of the work of forgiveness, justice and love that Dr. King has pushed so much in his time.

Two things made the young players I Have A Dream. Topping the list, of course, is the power of words of Martin Luther King. At least three things that concern me in Re-reading these amazing words. First, the focus of the laser on the problems facing King. For example, early in the second half of the speech (p. 21), in response to the question of his opponent: "When yousatisfied? "Dr. King has a rate of rhetoric of the mark, beginning every sentence with" We can never be satisfied as long as ...", or "We can not ...", followed by a long list of grievance that the King had also met remove see police brutality, segregation and denial of voting rights. Dr. King pulled no punches, exposing the challenges facing African-Americans.

Secondly, the power lies in the compelling vision of justice, equality and fraternity that votes Reyin discourse. Here the rhetorical momentum begins with the famous "I Have a Dream beautiful and exciting ways to play with the vision of Martin Luther King of racial equality and justice ...", followed by" I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and experience the true meaning of its creed - we hold these truths to be self-evident that all men are created equal "(p. 25).

Thirdly, the power of words of Martin Luther King is in non-violent means, which supports. Despite the grave injustice and Martin Luther Kinghis followers in the streets and the huge gap between reality and vision of King's voice, still strong violence is not. For example, King said. "We must not allow our creative protest to degenerate into physical violence should not and again we have the majestic heights of our physical strength, the strength of ascent of the soul" (p. 19). With Gandhi, King said that is the end that you mentioned reach, and so, if peace and justice are the goals pursued peacefulIt means that the only way to achieve them. As the power of the words of Martin Luther King, sent a shower of my return, I think they are also children in the grip of 9 to 12 years, with a brief explanation of an adult at key points.

Children are also moved by the beauty and stylistic variety of the illustrations I Have A Dream. The two images of injustice, and the images of the new day of hope that is before convincing. For example, the spot where Martin Luther Kingurges non-violent means (p. 19), is the image of the wicked people of the Caucasus in a restaurant, standing behind three seated in black and white behind the resistance strong and peaceful. Two of the angry mob pouring ketchup on the heads of two African-Americans. It makes both the injustice of segregation and violence issues in a meaningful way.

In addition to words and images appealing subjective I had a dream, the bookvalue development for children ages 9-12 in the category. First, the book is an obvious way with children, the life of Martin Luther King and the central role in the civil rights movement of the discussion of the 20th century. As such, the book is a way to learn about an important period in recent American history. A brief but useful biography printed after the speech of Martin Luther King is to facilitate learning.

Secondly, I have a good sleepPossibility of moral and religious learning. Moral questions speeches of Martin Luther King (justice, peace, love, separation, etc.) including - and especially support for non-violent Martin Luther King - of course raise moral issues for children, which led to discussions with adults may lead to the formation of moral value. The religious themes of the speech by Martin Luther King - that quote Amos 5:24 ("righteousness like water and righteousness like a never-endingflow ") and Isaiah 40:4-5 (" Every valley shall be exalted, every hill and mountain ... And the glory of the Lord shall be revealed and all people shall see it ") of the Hebrew Bible - provide a way to believe the words Martin Luther King and animation festival, and in general to examine the relationship between religion and the right action.

In summary, I recommend I have a dream.

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