Wednesday, August 10, 2011

And then the end will

Last week, I prayed with an elderly couple who seemed taken aback by recent events in the Middle East, especially when it comes to Israel. Yesterday I attended an event we call multi-church "Operation:. Jesus" is to take the jersey and go door to door to pray for people and leaving a sudden Billy Graham. With my "team" - a Christian mother and her 16 year old daughter - who approached an old woman sitting on the porch of his house with his dog. Afterwhy not recruit, and employs only people from different churches to pray, impressed. In 101 years, sharp as a collision, he said, "the worst I've seen it happen to American Christianity has been the rise of sectarianism." He added: "... if it is not a Christian, certainly thinking ..." according to the current state of the planet.

As we approach the "end of the world", is spoken byScripture? And 'this is the return of Christ to the world the next big thing?

The Bible teaches that Jesus Christ will return (Matthew 24:3, 30, 37, 44). Jesus said (Matthew 24:36) "But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, but only the Father."
The single father? Not even Jesus? So how do we know?

His original disciples, thought that he would return shortly after his ascension. Later, some thoughts of 1000 and 2000 may be a sign of his return.Of course, Jesus could come back tonight or in 100 or 1000 years, if it ever comes. All this is conjecture. However, the biblical prophecies have been marked by one, as in the history of the world and what is happening today in the world is a scary prospect, has taken place.

When the disciples when you can expect his return (Matthew 24:3), asked the Lord mentions four major labels (Matthew 24:4-7). Jesus adds that the escalation of these events as "the beginning ofDolores "(Matthew 24.8), and that his disciples must remain" vigilant "to recognize and proclaim that his return is to knock on the door. Well, we are his disciples, and had the same instructions as dictated by generations of Christians before us. Some critics predict the nose and wrinkles, insisting that such events are in progress. Certainly there is nothing new under the sun. But Jesus was born, a child, children, evenwas brought to the world for centuries. Students of Bible prophecy says that his statements are all dependent on Israel for the Jewish religious state independence in 1948.

The four signs of Matthew 24:4-7 include:

1) religious deception, false Christs, false religions and false gospels

Supporters and sympathizers, many religions of the world would be a logical thing, okay, not everyone can be right. Despite the talk of religious tolerance today, the logictells us that there is no universal religious accuracy can be achieved. In other words, many people are misled obvious things of Christ. But the religious deception is not new. Many believe that the Bible is the arrival of an important religious figure, millions of working miracles and promotion in place of biblical truth (2 Thessalonians 2:3-12 on the basis of, Revelation 13.11-14) has described an error . The media undoubtedly contribute to the cause of this false demonicProphet. The course is set. We, as individuals and the false "Messiah" were prepared and the surface. A man goes by the name "Lord Matrei". I heard a Christian radio show, where, after many came to hear him talk, interviews with the participants sought speaker who claim to be Christians. A man claiming to be an Episcopal minister, said: "It could be ... the world would probably be a Christian today." The disappointment of Biblical illiteracy,is everywhere. In August 1999, said that the 70 million Anglicans, Archbishop of Canterbury, which can not be certain that Jesus had risen, calling into question the central dogma of Christianity! I have seen is the so-called religious "leaders" systematically dumbed their livestock all the time.

2) The wars and rumors of wars;

Jesus predicted it would end the era of "wars and rumors of wars" (Matthew 24:6) identification. Wars have been with us for millennia, but20 th century was the first time in history when the world went to war ... twice. Today, there are gang wars, a war against terrorism, the war against drugs and Star Wars. Jesus predicted that "the birth of the nation against nation and kingdom against kingdom" (Matthew 24:7). The word "empire" refers to a kingdom, a political subject. "Nation" (ethnic group) refers to a literal nation, but also a group of tribe, race or social status. In recent decades, the ethnic conflicts of religion, race, gender and moral choicesare found in every culture and subculture on the planet. An expert on international relations at Harvard University, wrote that (The Clash of Civilizations, Huntington, 1996, p. 321) "in the new era, the clash of cultures, the greatest threat to world peace." What Jesus said to occur at the end of the world is going on now! For those who pray and believe in world peace, I'm sorry, but peace returns to the Prince of Peace. If the Bible tells us that we are in favor of "prayerPeace for Jerusalem, "I maintain that peace, the reference to Jesus himself. Not that, in contrast to the altruism of the Beatles song, the world. In fact, as a woman in the ways of working harder and closer is intended to get worse before it gets better.

3) famines and epidemics, diseases and epidemics

Incurable diseases like AIDS and bird flu causes panic and devastation. Other diseases, as already realized (tuberculosis, cholera andMalaria) are back in force, such as bacteria become resistant to antibiotics. Doctors warn that a rapid deterioration in international travel and the social, political and health in many parts of the world have created the risk of epidemics.

Even hospitals are not safe. CBS television reported (March 15, 2005, The Early Show) that "approximately two million nosocomial infections in the United States each year approximately 90,000 patients." Dr.Tim Wilkin of Weill Cornell Medical College, believes that the types of bacteria in a hospital are different from bacteria all over the world. He said. "They can be resistant to antibiotics, making it difficult to deal with ...."


These days there is a 'Goin' Whole Lotta Shakin '! Charles Spurgeon said in 1868: "At this stage, groans and pain, which tend to create a deep sense of the son of man". Yes, unprecedentedThe environmental conditions are also a source of grave concern. Global warming affects the weather around the world and produced the record drought, fires, storms and floods. Famine can be found on several continents. The warmest years have occurred in the last ten years. The seismic activity is more dangerous than people in the urban district of the city.

The apostle Paul had to say something about the end of the world. He writes: "In the last daysperilous times: disobey a lot of themselves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, the parents of ... brutal ... Lovers of pleasure rather than God's love ... which is a form of piety [a superficial religion] "(2 Timothy 3:1-5). exactly how to describe the rich, amoral culture, the most violent in which we live today. Since the end of the Second World War and social upheavals of year 1960, the simple things are worse than before. Whenwomen 101 years, I prayed for yesterday, when he saw many changes in his life, he asked, she answered: "Oh, yes, I did not ... most of them well ..."

Paul also wrote. "We know that all creation is groaning in labor pains until now, not only, but also that we have the first fruits of the Spirit, even we ourselves groan within ourselves, waiting to believe in spirit, the redemption of our body." (Romans 8:22-23).

In his letter to the churchThessalonica (1 Thessalonians 5:1-11), he wrote these words of encouragement: "But who has time and the seasons, brethren, it is necessary that I write for you yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord will come as one. Thief at night, because when you say ... "Peace and safety" then sudden destruction will not be on them, as labor pains on a pregnant woman and her flight, brothers, are not in darkness so that this day should be obsoleteThief. You are all sons of light and sons of day. We are not of night nor of darkness. So do not sleep, as do others, but let us watch and be sober. For those who sleep sleep at night, drunk is drunk at night. But we who are of the day be sober, putting on the breastplate of faith and love and as a helmet the hope of salvation. The Wrath of God, but to receive salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ who died for us has received that indicates whetherawake or asleep we might live with him. Sun comforted one another and build up others like him. "

The Apostle Peter gave his opinion on the final day. He wrote that "scoffers will say today ..." Where is the promise of his coming "(2 Peter 3:3-5). It 'was the skepticism and ignorance about important biblical teachings voluntary characterized from these days. I think this is the case today, that our so-calledChristian nation (the U.S.) seems arrogant denial that these things never happen to us. Finally, we are committed, we have much to do!

But in the midst of our hectic, the earth groans.

Signs in the sky

Luke 21:25-28 says. "There are signs in the sun and moon, stars on the earth, nations will be in anguish and despair in the rough sea and threw the men will faint from fear, anxiety, though. The world is coming to heavenBodies will be shaken. At that time, they see the Son of man coming in a cloud with power and great glory. When these things begin to happen, stand erect and raise your heads because your redemption is near. "

Verse 25 shows in recent times, as indicated, not a sign, but for many characters. Apparently, the coming of the Lord, as the cosmic chaos to come. These verses show that to be involved in the sky, the sun, moon and stars. On land, seashouting and shooting. We are literally this verse? I'm no expert, but I feel led. Why? For starters, we know what happens in the sky, which can affect the earth - the moon creates the attraction of the tides in the oceans, for example. Also, speaking of the book of Revelation prophecies of cosmic chaos and land that seems to be the literal meaning. You decide:
Revelation 6:12-17: "I watched as he opened the sixth seal, there was a great earthquake on ..Sun looks like a lot of black goat hair, the moon became as blood, and were the stars in the sky to the earth like figs falling from a fig tree shaken by a strong wind. Back to the heavens like a scroll rolling up, and every mountain and island was removed from its place. And the kings of the earth, the princes, the generals, the rich, powerful, and every slave and every free man hid in caves and among the rocks of the mountains. They called the mountains and rocks,"Fall on us and hide from the face of the One who ascended the throne and the wrath of the Lamb: For the great day of wrath, and who can resist?" "

8:8-9,12 revelation. "The second angel sounded, and something like a great mountain burning with fire was cast into the sea A third of the dead sea of ​​blood, one third of the creatures of the sea, and one third of the ships were destroyed. .. And the fourth angel sounded, and third of the sunAs one third of the moon and the third part of the stars, so that the third of them obscure. Third day and had a light, and a third of the night. "

Revelation 11.2-3: "However, to rule out the receiver, it is measured is given to the Gentiles trample the holy city 42 months 3 and I will give my two witnesses ..: and they shall prophesy for 1260 days, clothed bag" The second angel poured out his vial upon the sea, and turneddied in the blood, like a corpse, and all living creatures in the sea "

Revelation 16:3, 8-9: "The fourth angel poured out his vial upon the sun and the sun was burning people with fire ... if scorched with great heat, and blasphemed the name of God, who had control of these parasites, but do not repent and glorify him. "

Jesus created all things, and he takes it and keeps them together (Colossians 1:17). Even though many have refusedoften believe that things are controlled to remain constant. We can not predict the time and place under the stars and planets. The followers of astrology, often adjust their lives through the constellations. Heaven and earth will pass away, Jesus said. The interference of heaven, but for an example of the devastation.

Humanity does not ignore these signs. We will not be able to do so. Many will be surprised when Jesus says in verse 26, however, many do not repent of theirSins. Continue to "eat, drink and be married" (Luke 17:26-29). Life will continue normally, even if in terror, in rebellion against God even more. Unbelievable but true, and we can see examples of this happening today. Check the AIDS epidemic as an example, although many are horrified at the thought of this disease, life continues as usual in the gay community. The only change for men in their practice is to try to practice "safe sex" ifStop "Sex God" was at the root of the disease. Although the risk of death from fear, we live there, as we have always done.

Signs that the unbelieving world is distorted or denied, have the same characters, consider the Saints. The signs of terror and fear to bring the infidels, brings courage and hope for the saints. Jesus instructed believers to "stand up and raise his head," because their pay was near (Luke 21:28). The reason for this is thatThese symptoms precede his return and his return to great power and glory (Luke 21:27).


Read Ezekiel 39 and Psalm 38 and 83 and 84 Many believe that these chapters is an attack on Israel to describe an enemy from different countries of the Middle East with Russia. Although in all these countries attacked Israel first and then in the course of history, all these countries have never participated in a confederation against the Jews in allat the same time. Certainly not one of those countries have attacked Israel in an alliance with Russia.
That is, until now.

He participated in the ongoing war in which Israel is, I have heard from various sources that the weapons used by Israel against its enemies are made in Russia. A source said it was "281", Russian scientists and specialized weapons to be somewhere in Iran for the production of missiles made.

The prophecies of Scripture shows thatback in BC, Jerusalem is to shift the focus of international attention. With the troops of his brother-in-law of leadership in Ramadi, when I write, I must say that I noticed a drop in reports of an escalation in Iraq and reports on the war between Israel and the federal government. Bible prophecy shows that shortly before his return, Jerusalem will be the center of the world has become. Jesus spoke of the desecration of a sacred place to come, the Temple Mount (Matthew 24:15)and that Jerusalem would be surrounded and captured by the Gentiles (Luke 21:20-24), of an army. While Jerusalem has attracted little attention in the years of Arab and Turkish, the small nation suddenly lands one of the world's farmed most important sense when it won its war of independence in 1948. Now, in the 21 century, many say that control of Jerusalem in the hands of the United Nations or the Vatican to bring hope of peace in this devastated region. I thinkeach person has to think a step back and wonder why this small region of the world that seems so important to so many others around the world. It might be a little rudder control the direction of a large ship can be compared? Jesus told us what happens just before his return.

Referring to the growing unrest of the last days, Jesus said that "unless those days were shortened, no flesh be saved" (Matthew 24:22, Mark 13:20). He said that shortly before his return, it would be possibleto destroy all life on this planet. Before nuclear weapons in 1940 and 1950, it was humanly impossible. With more countries with nuclear capability and weapons of mass destruction (WMD), many in the hands of the demon possessed thugs and terrorists, when these terrible weapons have been used in a war would mean the end of the world as we know. The prophecy of the destruction of Jesus is not an exaggeration. This benchmark was actually was at the center of20 th century, first in human history.

After examining the biblical prophecies in the light of current events, a force might suggest that we actually live in the last days. Although we can not know the day nor the hour, the prophecies of the Bible suggests that God wants us to know the approximate time of Christ's return (Matthew 24:32-35). Jesus told his disciples - that includes you and me - to "see" the events of the world would be a surprise. The biggest concernin the last days when Christ will return refers not this morning or not. No, the biggest concern is that his last day is not today. Why not live as if this evening "time"? What to do with the weather has been, and what you do with the time you have to do? God really has a purpose for us all. TIP: It's not just the United States.

The first recorded message that Jesus was always preaching: "Repent for the kingdom of God!The hand! "(Matthew 4:17). For those who have a" word "of the Lord is, there, directly from the Scriptures ..." Repent, "which means" change your mind. "Rethink their position on their relationship with God, the motivation of your heart, your purpose in life, the responsibility of churches to provide his personal role in this.

"The gospel of the kingdom shall be preached throughout the world as a witness, then shall the end come." (Matthew 24:14) It '... preach the gospel of the kingdom.This is our mission goal.

A world that listens to you, the good news today?

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